Combine Therapy Today
I will be riding combines today which is the best health therapy for a farm boy.
I am in Walla Walla, Washington today getting ready to ride combines with my cousins this morning and then with my tenant farmer on my ground near Dixie, Washington which is where I grew up.
There is something therapeutic about watching the reel go round and round pushing wheat into the feeder housing and then into the bin.
I am not sure if I will be on much steep ground today. Combining on a steep hill is always fun especially when you start sliding down the hill.
Flatlanders may not enjoy it but I do.
My dad was operating new combine and as he was going up a fairly steep hill, the transmission gear broke and suddenly he was going backwards down the hill. He turned the combine into the hillside to stop it but was too quick and the combine flipped over on him pinning him in the cab with a throttle lever through his thigh.
The EMTs finally showed up and after much discussion handed a hacksaw to my dad who finally cut the throttle lever off and they pulled him out. He spent some time in the hospital and then was back planting wheat in the fall.
Just a “normal” day in the life of a farmer.
I am sure my day today will be more “normal” and I look forward to my therapy.